Ротация на предмишница с дъмбел

Добавена на 05 Януари 2013 | Категория: Упражнения | Добави в любими

Тип : Силово
Основни мускули, извършващи движението : Предмишница
Други мускули, участващи в движението : Упражнението е изолирано
Екипировка и оборудване : Дъмбел
Ниво : Напреднали
Движение : Дърпане

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➡ Издишайки завъртете ръката си така, че предмишницата ви да направи максимална ротация, запазвайки правият ъгъл между мишницата и предмишницата. Задръжте за секунда.

➡ Вдишвайки върнете бавно и контролирано ръката в стартова позиция.

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  • Anonimus
    Surrounded by peaceful natural environment, Photo to Painting with a beautiful park and dome Liberty, the Modern oil painting spa is really a place in which the different expressions of water assistance to regain balance and strength.Even just in India an origin of Van Gogh painting treatment amounts of spa points including saugandhika spa and you'll discover cool and calm environment to get back your health insurance and body energy while spending memorable time with pour spa services in India.sunglassesandhandbagsfromjiyouarts201310715
    15 Юли в 05:09
  • Anonimus
    The very first which ought to be what Canvas Painting are going to pay. Another element to recall is the fact that by Georgia O'Keeffe paintings not enough you will fail.Prices could be worked out by Christianity oil paintings researching the market.The stuff you need to begin are basically only your equipment and also the things to paint. Of course you'll need the best attitude or should I say inspiration.sunglassesandhandbagsfromjiyouarts201310716
    16 Юли в 04:35
  • Anonimus
    A different one has continued his Oil Painting Reproductions of old toys by placing bright colored floating plane in a bathtub, and yet another has parked his car Wassily Kandinsky near a helicopter.Be sure to tell what's pigment aside from what in the piece is celluloid. This is a type of painting that Still life oil painting photographs acting as working mediums.From left to right, you're able to set your eyes on amazing wonders. A horse was painted by one of the artists in the show.sunglassesandhandbagsfromjiyouarts201310717
    17 Юли в 03:46
  • Anonimus
    Today, we are able to wear Paintings kind of batik along with other batik type that people like. You don't need to worry about punishment. In Java there’re 2 types of Batik KratonThanksgiving oil painting Surakarta which use brown and indigo blue pattern and Jogjakarta also use brown and indigo blue, but, there’re some part that left in white. Next type is Batik Pesisiran. It’s mixture between Kraton type and flora fauna motif. It got great influence from Chinese merchant that comes to Indonesia. So, the pattern also has several oriental feeling inside it. There’s also Batik Saudagaran Night sky
    batik that used by merchant because the creation that they sell. Using Kraton type batik combined with flora, fauna and figures motif.And also the last category of batik may be the Batik Petani or Farmer Batik. This is actually the batik clothing and style that wear by commoners.sunglassesandhandbagsfromjiyouarts201320718
    18 Юли в 17:13
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